Final Submission

Approximately 2500 samples per pixel


Image Synthesis Lecture 2015 by Wojciech Jarosz, Wenzel Jakob and Marios Papas.
Nori 2 - an educational ray tracer renderer base code by Wenzel Jakob.
Mitsuba Renderer by Wenzel Jakob. Used as inspiration for the scene description and valuable reference renderings.

Physically Based Rendering - From Theory to Implementation (2nd Edition) by Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys.
Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces by Walter et al.
Arbitrarily Layered Micro-Facet Surfaces by Andrea Weidlich and Alexander Wilkie.

Environment maps are courtesy of Bernhard Vogl and Paul Debevec
Various used textures and bump maps are courtesy of Pixar

Pot 3D model is courtesy of Oleg Temonov
Brush 3D model is courtesy of Jacobus Johannes Pieter
Pencil sharpener 3D model is courtesy of Julio Galhardi, distributed by The Pixel Lab